Tag - Articles

Rook: New Winds in the v1.1 release

Rook: New Winds in the v1.1 release

Cross post of an older post I published on The Cloud Report blog about the Rook v1.1 release.

Running ownCloud in Kubernetes with Rook Ceph Storage - Part 2

How to run ownCloud in Kubernetes with using Rook for a Ceph Cluster.

Running ownCloud in Kubernetes with Rook Ceph Storage - Part 1

How to run ownCloud in Kubernetes with using Rook for a Ceph Cluster.

Ancientt - Automation for Network Testing Tools

Ancientt - Automation for Network Testing Tools

Let's see what Ancientt is and how Ancientt can help by automating certain network testing tools.

Rook more than Ceph

Rook more than Ceph

Cross-Post of my "Rook more than Ceph" article from "The Cloud Report"

What exactly is „Cloud Native" even?

What exactly is „Cloud Native" even?

Cross-Post of my "What exactly is „Cloud Native" even?" article from "The Cloud Report"